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Календарь турниров
Mn. Tu. Wd. Th. Fr. St. Sn.

1. Under ‘etiquette’ one understands politeness, behaviour on the course and taking good care of the course. Though the following points are not Rules as such, but represent the integral part of a play.


2. Players should not stand too close to a stroking player and should not disturb their play by moving or talking.


3. Keep yourself from playing, until the group in front is out of range.


4. Players should play at a good pace. Quit the green immediately after all the payers of your group have holed out.


5. Players are entitled to pass groups playing faster.


6. Repair any divot holes. Fill up and rake up in the bunkers after a stroke.


7. Players should not stand on another player’s line of putt.


8. Players should not take clubs on the green.


9. Put the flagstick carefully back in to the hole cup.




There are over forty terms in this part of the Rules of Golf and these form the foundation around which the Rules of Play are written.


A good knowledge of the defined terms is very important to the correct application of the Rules.


‘Tee’ – is the starting place for the hole to be played marked with two tee-markers.


Up to ‘green’- is all the territory of the golf course for the hole to be played, except the area of tee and green and all the obstructions.


‘Obstructions’ – are any bunkers or any water hazards.


‘Green’ – is a ground specially prepared for putting with a hole on it, which must be 4,25 inches.


Out of bounds – is a territory prohibited for a play and is not a part of a golf course. The ball is defined as out of bounds when all of it lies out the bounds.


Loose impediments – any natural object such as stones, leaves, twigs, if it is not fixed, grown, ingrained or stuck to a ball.


Obstructions – is anything artificial, except:

a) objects defining boundaries of a course;

b) any part of an immovable artificial object that is out of bounds;

c) any construction declared by the Committee in the Local Rules to be an integral part of the course.


Casual water – is any temporary accumulation of water on the course that is not in a water hazard and is visible before or after the player takes his stance. Dew and frost are not casual water.


Ground under repair – is any part of the course so marked by order of the Committee. It also includes material piled for removal and a hole made by a green-keeper, even if not so marked.


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