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The History of the Chervo Brand

Creation History


The history of CHERVO dates back to the small mountain village in the very heart of Dolomite, 1982.

CHERVO was founded by the two brothers, one of which always had the talent for designing, and the second possessed a marvelous business intuition.


Peter started his work career as the trainer of the skiing National combined team; being a student, he sold his design inventions, and later he underwent his period of probationer in the Siemens Company. Since the very first days of his work in the company he occupied the post of business-economist.


After many years of painstaking work the Earlahers collected the necessary experience and discovered technological know-how in textile production as to apply them for the manufacture of their own practical and comfortable clothes. The brothers aimed at the importing of new and original ideas in the hackneyed clothes samples of that time and at the creation of the series of sport clothes collection. Moreover, these collections were to combine the most recent fashion tendencies and the latest technological developments. All these efforts later resulted in the birth of the CHERVO trademark in 1986.


Three years later the two brothers were invited to the Ellesse Company, the leading Italian manufacturer of the skiing outfit at that time. Their job status was “rescue team”.



Manfred was proposed the post of the senior manager, and Peter, in his turn, was responsible for the production process.



In 1994 Earlahers brothers put their trademark CHERVO into production again. The result of it was an appearance of a young, dynamic company, situated in Verona, dealing with the production of clothes, which later obtained a worldwide recognition and is now one of the leading world producers on the professional sport wear market.


‘As our company is focused on the unique group of people, who like the combination of mode of life and style, we probably will never draw mass consumers.’


The development of the company is astonished, especially in the industry of golf wear. Just for some years CHERVO became not only a leading producer of the sport wear in Italy, but also took a firm position on the most important European markets, which confirms its international popularity. Two thirds of the company’s income is earned abroad.


In cooperation with ambitious representatives of markets the company created such potent marketing instruments as pro-shops, sport wear shops and well-known retail trade system. CHERVO elaborated its own sale strategies. In its turn it raised concernment and value of the trademark and created auspicious conditions for product selling.


Holding of great golf tournaments and new professional sport wear collection shows, brining famous persons in for fashion shows – all this, as well as timely press releases, are the part of marketing strategy.


Though, the main place in the production of CHERVO model line takes golf wear and ski suits, the company also took its place on the market of casual clothes production. Classic, but at the same time practical models, made of the materials, in which the newest technological development is used, became an important part of the everyday clothing for many people.


Peter Earlaher cared for cooperation of the company with the most famous fabric producers. Before the team of designers starts to create a model line, which embodies the unique style of CHERVO, Peter insists on testing fabric in the roughest conditions by sport professionals.


The success of CHERVO induces it to find new technologies, with the help of which it will be possible to improve the quality and practicality of clothes permanently.





The creation of high-quality products that are perfect and are beyond comparison due to their singularity and the use of the most recent technological developments in the newest materials.



“CHIC-TECH”– is the main conception, preceding the creation of every single model: it consists in the balanced combination of the innovative design developments (CHIC) and the newest functional materials of the highest quality.


All clothes is tested in extreme conditions by professional sportsmen; models are elaborated with all recent fashion tendencies taken in consideration, all the details are regularly improved in order to correspond to the highest quality standards.

The best of fashion is combined with the best technological developments, and it leads to the creation of the unique and unordinary product.



Brand Formula


CHERVO is a brand which proclaims elegance in the sport world. It is destined for those who appreciate high quality and want to add something unordinary to one’s life.


“Wherever You Go, Put on CHERVO”




We attentively observe the newest tendencies of the world market in order to use the most recent innovations in the right place and in the right time. Imitation - it is not our game style. The final product should be both applicable for the sport world and for the everyday use.


The product should show the best correlation with style and quality, in order to be present at the market for a long time. Design is constantly under modernization due to usage of newest materials, colours, ornaments imprinted on the fabrics, gallons and accessories.


The main aim of CHERVO Company is to attract attention of middle and first class, irrespective of the age factor, to attract people who value quality and are looking for something special.


Pro Shop